YouTube | Remedios para el riñon, Tratamiento para infeccion urinaria, UrinariosWhat to know about bleeding after Plan BPlan B is a type of emergency birth control that can prevent pregnancy if a person takes it after having unprotected sex. Plan B contains a natural hormone, which allows you to prevent ovulation. It doesn't cause an abortion. Some people who take Plan B light bleeding or observe up to a month later, and this disappears on its own. Continue reading to learn more about how Plan B works, some possible side effects, and what to do if this form of emergency contraception is ineffective. Most people taking Plan B do not experience bleeding, but it does. A 232 participant found that 14.7% experienced bleeding between periods after Plan B. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that the heaviest periods are relatively common after Plan B, which occurs in as many as people who have taken the medication. However, a person should not expect to experience very heavy bleeding after using Plan B — even days or weeks later. Some people believe that heavy bleeding is a common side effect of Plan B. This is not true. Belief can be derived from the misconception that Plan B causes an abortion. In fact, Plan B does not cause the loss of pregnancy or the bleeding that can accompany it. People who frequently use Plan B may find their periods. This is because progestinity can interrupt the natural menstrual cycle, and it may take about 1 month for the body to readjust. If a person is based on emergency contraceptives regularly, he or she may benefit from changing to a birth control form that does not involve taking daily pills, such as an intrauterine device or IUD. Plan B is the brand form of generic medicine. This is a type of progestin, a synthetic form of the hormone progetogena, which the body naturally produces. People commonly refer to Plan B as the "morning page." When penetrating sex can lead to pregnancy, chances are higher if sex occurs just before or right after ovulation, when an ovary releases an egg. Like other birth control pills, Plan B works by preventing ovary from coming out of an egg or delaying egg release. If ovulation occurs after taking Plan B, the medication may help reduce the risk of egg implants in the uterus, leading to pregnancy. Using Plan B involves taking a single pill immediately and a second pill 12 hours later. The two doses are identical — both contain levonorgestrel. suggests that taking the two pills at the same time can be as effective as taking them separately. Plan B can work until after unprotected sex, although by prescribing guidelines they usually recommend starting the dose within unprotected sex. The sooner a person takes the drug, the better it can work. Plan B does not cause abortion or affect future fertility. Furthermore, while women who became pregnant after using Plan B have not been specifically studied, any progestin-based birth control method increases the risk of anomalies in fetal development. Most of the research on Plan B is somewhat dated. They have found effectiveness rates ranging from 52-100%. Plan B can successfully prevent pregnancy depends, in part, on how soon a person takes it and on the stage of their menstrual cycle. Plan B can be less effective in people who weigh more than. However, very little research supports this idea. In addition, the drug does not pose additional risks to people who weigh more than this, and it is likely that it is still worth considering. Plan B side effects are similar to those of other birth control pills. FDA has reported that, according to the results of the trials, they include: Hormonal contraceptives are not safe for everyone. However, the effects of single-use emergency contraceptives, such as Plan B, are not the same as the effects of long-term use. However, people for whom to take hormonal birth control are not safe must consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking Plan B. has linked any death to the use of Plan B. In the weeks after taking Plan B, light stained between periods or a heavier flow is not usually a cause of concern. However, if these problems do not disappear within a month or so, something other than Plan B can be held accountable. Intense bleeding and intense pain may indicate a serious underlying condition, such as endometriosis. In addition, heavy bleeding may indicate premature abortion. A health care provider must evaluate all heavy bleeding. If a person's periods are irregular and heavy, taking additional hormonal contraceptives can help. If the bleeding results from pregnancy loss, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove the remaining tissue. If Plan B is ineffective, pregnancy may occur. A health care provider may describe other options, and it is best to consult them as soon as possible. If a woman decides to stay pregnant, looking for early advice can ensure that she receives the best prenatal care. If a woman decides to have an abortion, she may involve taking a different pill. Doctors refer to this as a medical abortion. The abortion pill can be effective until after the last period of the woman. Laws within the United States, and a woman may need to take the pill in the presence of a health care provider. Another option is a surgical abortion. These tend to take place within the first quarter, within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has a surgical abortion during the second quarter, the procedure can be more complicated and costly. If a woman in the United States wants to stay pregnant but has problems managing the costs, it can help cover pregnancy care. To receive Medicaid, a woman must request and receive approval. Talk to a doctor if: Plan B is an emergency contraception method — a person usually takes it after having unprotected sex. It contains a stronger dose of synthetic hormone in many birth control pills. It is a myth that Plan B causes abortion or abortion. In addition, most people who take the medication do not experience bleeding later. That said, Plan B can cause temporary changes in the menstrual cycle due to hormonal disorders. Last medical review on December 22, 2020 Latest newsRelated coverage
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